The State All-Hazards Advisory Committee (SAHAC) is established to strengthen local, regional and state coordination through information sharing and collaboration on matters related to all hazards emergency management in Colorado.
The SAHAC evolved from the State All-Hazards Coordination Team (SACT) which was a multidisciplinary team of oeprationally focused leaders who were assembled to coordinate homeland security preparedness issues. The SACT worked closely with the Senior Advisory Committee (SAC), providing expertise and information to the SAC on homeland security related issues. The SACT members realized that there was a need to expand the group to include nonprofit agencies and associations so that there was a broader representation in the group to address preparedness and prevention issues. This evolution led to the SAHAC. Once the group expanded its membership, there was a need to define the purpose, scope and mission of the SAHAC to include greater educational and networking opportunities for the membership and to strengthen the relationship with the SAC in an advisory capacity.The SAHAC was formed in 2004 to provide advice to the Colorado Department of Local Affairs (DOLA), Department of Public safety (DPS) and Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) on all matters related to all-hazards emergency management. It was established as a body of members from a broad spectrum of organization to ensure voices from around the state are heard. The Division of Emergency Management has historically hosted SAHAC meetings and provides administrative and technical support to the committee.
The objective of the State All Hazards Advisory Committee is to:- Make recommendations to the Governor's Office, representing a broad range of stakeholder organization and agencies, on all hazards emergency management and homeland security issues.
- Provide advice to the Colorado Department of Local Affairs, Public Safety and Public Health and Environment on all matters related to all hazards emergency management.
- Coordinate and facilitate information: region-to-region and region-to-state.
- Assist in resolving conflicts between regions, or between the regions and the state.
- Explore specific issues in-depth and provide position or recommendations to the state departments (DOLA, DPS, CDPHE, etc.) and the Governor as appropriate.